Travel services, Tourist information and Accommodation for areas near Ebbsfleet and in Europe. We are sponsored by local companies and services.
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Compare Carbon Emissions
Travel by train is often cheaper and produces far less Co2 than travelling by plane and taxis between destinations. Railway journeys can be more direct and far more frequent than planes and is often a far easier journey.
Carbon Emissions Calculator
The amount of carbon dioxide generated from travel is often measured in pounds/kilograms and tonnes. Our CO2 journey calculator gives an average emissions calculation; therefore older cars will produce even more pollution. Although, the amount of carbon dioxide emissions produced depends on the transportation, even trains varies by the type of trains and the over-all distance of the trip. On average commuter trains and subway trains (under 20 miles) emit around 10 times less carbon dioxide per passenger mile than flights and long distance trains (over 20 miles) emit 50 times less carbon dioxide per passenger mile than by car.
Compare CO2 emissions Ebbsfleet to Airport
The table below shows a comparison example of carbon dioxide emitted by car, plane and train per passenger in kilograms from Ebbsfleet to local Airports:
Table comparing carbon emissions to Europe
This table compares carbon dioxide emissions on a typical journey used by car, plane and train per passenger in kilograms to top destinations in Europe:
Consequently in comparison by taking the Train, instead of Car or Plane you could save carbon emissions by up to 90%.
Carbon EmissionsCarbon dioxide, hydro carbons and carbon monoxide is produced for each kilometer or mile you drive, fly or travel by train. Calculating the average carbons produces per mile can vary: |
Carbon Dioxide levels Train v Car v Flights
Travelling by train works out better for the environment as you can only fit 5-7 people in a large family car, whereas you can fit hundreds of passengers on a train. So it makes sense that using the train instead of a car will reduce carbon emissions.
Due to the fuel used in all current aircraft's carbon dioxide produced travelling by plane is considerably higher than travelling by train.
The environment is being destroyed on a daily basis by carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons, but what does this have to do with us? Well, firstly the way we travel affects the environment massively without us even realising it. For instance if we were to walk rather than take the bus, or cycle instead of driving the atmosphere and the environment would benefit a lot from this. In 50 years time if we carry on living and especially travelling the way we are now the world will be very different and we are destroying the only Earth that we have got.